The Castle |
The tomb. |
My first time seeing the ocean <3 |
Cliffs of Moher |
WOW, I knew this country was beautiful but today I found out just how far that beauty goes. We took a tour of the Burren country and the Cliffs of Moher today. We started out from Limerick at 9:30 this morning and made our way toward the Cliffs. On the way we stopped at Leamenagh Castle. This was the home of a Lord and Lady of Clare County. The Lady supposedly got upset with her second husband for some remarks he made of her late husband and pushed him out the third story window to his death. After the Castle we headed to Galway Bay where we stopped for lunch. We ate at this nice little place called Monk's. They are famous for their Seafood Chowder so I figured I better try some and it was delicious! We walked by the bay and found some seashells. Along the drive we eventually hit the coast where I got to see the ocean for the first time in my life. I know I flew over it to get here, but it was dark so I technically didn't get to see it. Let me tell you the coast here is beautiful!! Just gorgeous, I could have stood at the edge of the ledge we stopped at all day just watching the waves crash against the stone. We stopped at some famous tomb where over 70 bodies were put to rest. It was really cool to see. The area of the country we drove through today had a lot of limestone rock and if the ground wasn't covered in rock it was covered in green pasture. Either way it was beautiful. Honestly you look out the bus window and all you see is mountainside covered in green pastures. Seen a lot of sheep and beef on the way to the Cliffs, but no dairy yet :( I did get a peak at some dairy steers in a barn but they definitely weren't cows. We made it to the Cliffs around 3 and got to spend over an hour there. The view was breathtaking, the pictures don't do it justice. Although honestly pictures and me describing it doesn't do it justice. A couple of us were feeling extra adventurous and went out onto a mud path to take us further up the Cliffs. It was funny watching the guys come back down the mud covered hill, they were a little frightened of falling and getting covered in mud. Meanwhile I'm way ahead of them walking no problem, it must be all that practice I have walking through the manure at the farm :) It really wouldn't be fair for me to sit here and try to describe what I saw today that's why I posted the pictures! After the Cliffs we headed home, everyone was pretty beat and all fell asleep on the way home. Our bus driver was extremely nice, liked to talk a lot, we learned a lot of history can't say I remember it all but it was interesting listening to it. Overall it was a great day, even if the weather was crummy all day it was so worth it!
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